The Aquatic cards

DefendBasicSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block.
PearlBasicSkillDeep. (not Deep.) Unplayable. When you draw this card, gain [B].
StrikeBasicAttack1Deal 6 (9) damage.
HookSpecialSkill0Retain. Return a card from your discard pile to your hand (and Upgrade it for this combat). Exhaust.
Abyss ScalesCommonSkill1Deep. Gain 10 (13) Block.
AnemoneCommonSkill1Draw 3 (4) cards. Gain Entangled.
Brine BlastCommonAttack2If the target is at or below 50% HP, apply 2 Weak. Deal 14 (18) damage.
BubbleCommonAttack0Deal 6 damage. Gain 1 (2) Swim. Exhaust.
CloisterCommonSkill0Gain 3 (4) Block. If Entangled, gain 3 (4) additional Block.
FloatCommonSkill1Gain 6 (8) Block. Gain 2 (3) Swim.
Harpoon ShotCommonAttack1Deal 9 (12) damage. Put a random Attack from your draw pile into your hand.
Net CastCommonSkill1 (0)Apply 1 Weak and 3 Vulnerable. Gain Entangled.
NibbleCommonAttack1Gain 3 (4) Block. Deal 3 (4) damage. Next turn, gain [B] ([B]).
PatrolCommonSkill1Gain 6 (8) Block. Add a Depth Charge (Charge+) to the bottom of your draw pile.
PlantCommonSkill1Apply 20 (25) Mines.
PuddleCommonSkill1Gain 3 (4) Swim.
Razor FinCommonAttack1Deal 7 (8) damage. Gain 1 (2) Thorns.
Rope LashCommonAttack1Deal 7 (10) damage. A random Attack in your hand costs 0 until played.
Shore ScalesCommonSkill1Innate. Gain 8 (11) Block.
Shrimpy StrikeCommonAttack1Frozen. (not Frozen.) Deal 4 damage (!M! times). If Fatal, Upgrade this card permanently. (not If Fatal, Upgrade this card permanently.)
Stone AgedCommonAttack1Frozen. Deal 2 damage. When you draw this card, increase its damage by 7 (10) this combat.
Torpedo StrikeCommonAttack1Deep. Deal 12 (16) damage.
WrapCommonAttack1Deal damage equal to your Thorns 2 (3) times.
Wring OutCommonAttack0Deal 7 (10) damage. Lose ALL your Swim.
AhoyUncommonPower1 (0)Innate. Gain 3 Strength. The next time you shuffle your draw pile, lose 3 Strength.
Algae BloomUncommonSkill0Retain. Gain [B]. Add a Slimed to the bottom of your (not to the bottom of your)NL draw pile (into your hand).
Black LagoonUncommonPower1 (0)Whenever you play an Attack, gain 2 Block.
Blown OutUncommonSkill1Add 3 (4) Depth Charges to the bottom of your draw pile.
Bombs AwayUncommonPower1(Innate.)At the start of your turn, add a Depth Charge+ to the bottom of your draw pile.
Bright ScalesUncommonSkill1Gain Block equal to your Swim +5 (+8).
CephalopodUncommonPower1 (0)Whenever you end your turn Entangled, gain 1 Strength and Dexterity.
ChitinUncommonSkill2Gain 14 (16) Block. Increase this card's Block by 3 (4) this combat.
CompressionUncommonAttack1Deal 2 damage for each card in your hand (+4). Shuffle this card into your draw pile.
Dark WatersUncommonSkill0Innate. Gain 3 (4) Swim. Gain Entangled. Exhaust.
DemolishUncommonAttack2Double the target's Mines. Deal 16 (22) damage.
DeployUncommonSkill1Gain 8 (10) Block. Apply 10 (15) Mines to ALL enemies.
DetonateUncommonAttack1You do not take damage from Mines this(for 2) turn(s). Deal 8 damage.
Dirty BombUncommonSkill1Apply 10 Mines. The next (!M!) time(s) you attack the enemy, Mines are not removed.
Drowning PoolUncommonPower0Whenever you play a Deep card, deal 6 (9) damage to ALL enemies.
Fiery FishUncommonAttack2Deal 7 damage to ALL enemies twice. Unfreeze a (ALL the) card(s) in your hand.
Frozen SolidUncommonSkill1Gain 4 (5) Plated Armor. Freeze this card.
Gone Fishin'UncommonSkillUnplayable. When you draw this card, add a (an Upgraded) Hook into your hand.
IcebergUncommonPower2 (1)Attacks Retain.
Icicle WallUncommonSkill2Freeze any number of cards in your hand. Gain 6 (7) Block and 1 Thorns for each.
Icy ScalesUncommonSkill1Frozen. Gain 14 (18) Block.
Ink CloudUncommonPower1(Innate.)At the start of your turn, gain 8 Block if being attacked, and gain Entangled otherwise.
LureUncommonSkill1If the enemy intends to attack, gain 3 (4) Thorns.
MaelstromUncommonSkillXGain 3 Swim X (X+1) times. Exhaust.
MinefieldUncommonPower2At the start of your turn, apply 15 (20) Mines to ALL enemies.
Mop UpUncommonAttack1Deep. If the target is at or below 50% HP, gain [B] and draw 1 card. Deal 10 (13) damage.
Rising TidesUncommonSkill0Put 1 (any number of) card(s) from your hand on the bottom of your draw pile. Draw (, then draw) 1 card (for each). Exhaust.
Rogue WaveUncommonAttack3Deal 16 (20) damage to ALL enemies. Gain 3 (4) Swim.
SabotageUncommonSkill0If the target is at or below 50% HP, it loses 6 (9) Strength this turn.
Sonar SweepUncommonSkill0Draw 2 (3) cards. You and ALL enemies gain 1 Vulnerable. Exhaust.
SurfUncommonAttack0Deal 6 (9) damage to ALL enemies. Trigger ALL your Swim.
Tentacle SlapUncommonAttack0Deal 3 (5) damage. Gain Entangled. Add a Hook into your hand.
Up To SpeedUncommonSkill0Next turn, draw 2 additional cards. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
WaterborneUncommonPower1At the start of your turn, gain 1 (2) Swim.
Yo Ho HoUncommonPower1 (0)Innate. Gain 2 Dexterity. The next time you shuffle your draw pile, lose 2 Dexterity.
Ancient NukeRareSkill1Frozen. Apply 50 (60) Mines to a random enemy.
AvidityRarePower1(Innate.)Whenever you gain Swim, trigger it.
BacteriaRarePower2 (1)Whenever you Exhaust a card, you may Exhaust another card from your hand.
Barnacle BlitzRareAttack1Deal 10 (14) damage. Draw 2 Cards. Gain 2 Swim. Freeze this card.
CloneRareSkill1 (0)Pick a card from your hand. Put it and a copy of it on the bottom of your draw pile. Exhaust.
Coral ScalesRareSkill1Gain 10 (13) Block. Gain 1 Thorns for ALL your cards containing "Scales".
DiveRareSkill1 (0)Innate. Put a Deep card from your draw pile into your hand. Exhaust.
Egg ClutchRarePower1Deep. At the end of 2 turns, gain 3 (4) Strength and Dexterity.
Feeding FrenzyRareAttack2Deep. Deal 12 (16) damage. For every 4 (3) cards in your deck (not draw pile), heal 1 HP. Exhaust.
From BelowRareAttack1Deep. Deal 4 (6) damage twice. Gain 2 Strength. Shuffle this card into your draw pile.
RebreatherRareSkill0Deep. Gain [B] [B] ([B]). Add a Hook to your hand. Exhaust.
RejuvenateRareSkill2Next turn, gain Block equal to your current Block. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
ShipwreckRareAttack2Deal 8 (12) damage. Put as many 0 cost cards from your draw pile into your hand as possible.
Squid FormRarePower3Attacks cost 0. Whenever you play 3 (4) Attacks in a turn, gain Entangled.
Steel WaveRareAttack1Gain 8 (10) Block. Deal 8 (10) damage.
Sunken ChestRareSkill1Deep. (Remove ALL your debuffs.)Gain 2 Artifact. Exhaust.
Swift SwimRarePower2 (1)Swim draws an additional card.
The KrakenRareAttack2Deep. Frozen. Deal 22 (28) damage. Gain [B] [B].
TsunamiRareSkill2Gain 7 (10) Swim.
TyphoonRareAttackX(Innate.)Deal 8 damage and apply 1 Weak to ALL enemies X times. Exhaust.

The Aquatic relics

Magic RodStarterAquaticAt the start of each combat, add a Hook into your hand.You can catch something big with this.
LifebuoyCommonAquaticFor the first 3 turns of combat, gain 3Block at the start of your turn.Brightly colored to attract underwater predators.
Cenozoic ToothUncommonAquaticWhenever you play a Power, gain 2Thorns.An ancient artifact from a long forgotten age.
Worn OarUncommonAquaticAt the start of each combat, gain 3 Swim.Looks a bit unsafe.
CaviarRareAquaticWhenever you add a Common card to your deck, it is Upgraded.A delicious treat and exotic type of egg.
AmoebaBossAquaticGain [B] and add a Slimed into your hand at the start of each turn.This single-celled organism is ominously shaking.
Platinum ReelBossAquaticAt the start of each combat, add 2UpgradedHooks into your hand.Why is it so shiny? The more you look at it, the more it sparkles.
Oven MittShopAquaticYou do not take damage from Mines.Perfect for baking cookies!

The Aquatic potions

Bottled WaterCommonGain 4Swim.

The Aquatic keywords

deepStart each combat with this card on the bottom of your deck.
entangleEntangled prevents you from attacking for a turn.
freezeFrozen cards unfreeze when played instead of their normal effect.
minesWhen you attack an enemy with Mines, deal damage equal to the amount of Mines, and take damage equal to 20% of the amount of Mines.
swimWhenever you play an Attack, draw 1 card and lose 1 Swim.

The Aquatic creatures

The AquaticPlayer75